Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Let's Do This!!

Alright I'm getting into Unity! I'm pretty excited about this. For my first trick...


Ok, so yeah... I obviously didn't make it. Clearly I did a tutorial. But I'm dang proud of myself! This is awesome. You can drive the car around and it smacks into whatever those things are that I made. Moonrocks? That are, for some reason, rectangular. haha I used cubes.

I thought it was funny because the tutorial was walking through how to set up the movement of the car. It used the Transform function for left and right motion, so I was feeling cocky and said "I got this!" And set up some code to Transform the car forward. Of course I had no idea about the AddForce option. Which makes perfect sense, of course. With AddForce, it takes into account the physics. For example, with Transform you just move forward with you hit the up key, then when you let go you immediately stop. With AddForce you would keep going until the force behind you car zeros out due to friction.

I also had my first encounter with particle systems. Not a fan... I think I'm going to have trouble with those. It didn't help that Unity recently revamped their particle system interface, so the tutorial was out of date.

Anyways, I learned a lot and it's awesome. I wish I could figure out how to drive the car up the block in front of it and jump off of it... but I had to restrict it's rotation so it doesn't get all twisty and flying through the air if it hits anything.

Next post coming soon!

By the way the tutorial is here

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